Arklow CBS News for week ending 22.03.24
Scholarship awards

Congratulation to Darragh Doyle who received an Entrance Scholarship from Trinity College Dublin as he achieved maximum points (625) in his Leaving certificate last summer.
Likewise, congratulations to Ferike Pap who also received an Entrance Scholarship from UCD based on his Leaving Certificate points achieved in June 2023.

Pisa Exam - Thursday 21 March 2024
We want to thank the 50 students that were chosen to sit the Pisa exams on Thursday 21 March 2024 as a representative sample of students born in 2008 from Ireland. The Pisa exam is exam used to compare the general education standards in various European countries.
Junior Cert Awards

Our Junior Cert class of 2023 received their Profile of Achievement Certificates as well as wards for Academic Excellence at our Junior Cert Awards Ceremony this week. A huge congratulations to all our students on their fantastic achievements we are extremely proud of you.
Those presented with awards were:
Students with 3 Higher Merits- Jamie Huang, Mateusz Paneczko, Kian Scallon.

Students with 4 Higher Merits- Sé Killoran, Charlie Lappin, Cian Malone.

Students with 5 Higher Merits- Jack Burke, John Byrne, Austin Gaffney, Abraham Lamanga, Rafal Paneczko.

Students with 6 Higher Merits- Brendan Kenny, Kory Merrigan.

Ordinary Level Distinction in English- Dean Coates.

Students with 1 Distinction and Higher Merits- Philip Baduna, John Clune, Ciarán Duggan, Kobe Huang, Cormac O’Donohue, Hiranya Peiris, Zack Waldron, Jack Weng.

Students with multiple distinctions and Higher Merits- Aaron Reddin and Jack Fleming McDermot.

Brother Atkinson Shield for best Junior Cycle Results- Jack Fleming McDermot

Seachtain na Gaeilge
Tá traidisíun fada bródúil againn Seachtain na Gaeilge a chéiliúradh anseo i scoil na mBráithre Críostaí agus arís i mbliana bhí Seachtain na Gaeilge den scoth againn. Bhí réimse leathan d’imeachtaí eagraithe ag Roinn na Gaeilge. Bhí sárGhaeilge le feiceáil agus le cloisteáil ó na daltaí agus foirne na scoile. I measc na himeachtaí a bhí eagraithre bhí turas chuig Páirc an Chrócaigh, scannáin as Gaeilge « An Cailín Ciúin agus « Róise agus Frank », comórtas postaer bunaithe ar na seanfhocail, , Tráth na gceist. Chríochnaíomar Seachtain na Gaeilge 2024 le Lá Glas. Comhghairdeas do chuile dhuine a ghlac páirt. Gabhaimid ár mbuíochas le Roinn na Gaeilge.
Here in Arklow CBS there is a long and proud tradition of celebrating Seachtain na Gaeilge and Seachtain na Gaeilge 2024 was no different.. The Irish Dept organised a huge range of activities including, a trip to Croke Park as Gaeilge, a poster competition based on proverbs, screenings of the Irish language films “An Cailín Ciúin” and “Róise agus Frank”, a quiz, to name but a few. We finished off Seachtain na Gaeilge 2024 with a Lá Glas. Congratulations to everyone who took part and a big thank you to the Irish Department for organising a very enjoyable week.
German exchange

Some of our students along with some students from St. Mary’s College are currently on a German exchange with the students of Ursulinen, Wüerzberg where they are staying with host families and attending classes. They are having a fastastic time exploring the local area including Marienberg Fortress, The Rathaus Chamber,Alter Bridge, Nuremberg and Kaiserburg. A huge thank you to Ms. Battye for organising and accompanying our students on their German adventure.

Golf News

Well done to all our golfers who took part in the inter-schools competition in the Woodenbridge Golf Club this week. The students played 11 holes and had a fantastic time. Congratulations to Aaron Reddin on coming 2nd in the competition.
Leaving Cert Oral exams
Wishing all our 6th students the very best of luck in their upcoming MFL and Irish oral exams which take place over the Easter holidays.
Go n-éirí an t-ádh libh/Bonne chance/Viel Glück
Easter Wishes

Wishing all our students and staff a well deserved and happy Easter Break. Arklow CBS is looking forward to welcoming you all back on April 8th.