Visual Art

Spirit of the Class: Jan Grzebalski
Artistic Excellence: Darragh Nolan

Spirit of the Class: Eoin Byrne, aleksandar Panic
Work Ethic: Tommy Dillon, Nathan Dowling
Academic Excellence: Matt Harkin, Ryan Flanagan

Spirit of the Class: Bobby Sherwood,
Academic Excellence: Alan Kapera

Spirit of the Class: Ryan Flanagan, Zike Phiri, Conoe Roche
Work Ethic: Eoin Byrne, Nathan Dowling, Ryan Heald,Darragh O'Keeffe Byrne, Darragh Nolan, Dominik Tubaeik, Kyle Crean
Academic Excellence: Mat Harkin, Aleksandar Paik, Vincent Akut

Spirit of the Class: Kensak Wolohan
Work Ethic: Liam Flusk, Lukas Palapaz
Academic Excellence: Rinith Pallewar, Thomas Tallon

Spirit of the Class: Zike Phiri, Thomas Tallon
Work Ethic: Sam Seabrooke Cummins, Eoin Byrne, Ryan Flanagan
Academic Excellence: Rhys O'Neill, Nathan Dowling

Spirit of the Class:Dylan Forde, Bobby Sherwood
Work Ethic: Kenneth seabrooke, Dominic Tubarik, Kland Siattoiwski, Ryan Heald, Eoin Byrne, Ostap Kolomiiets
Academic Excellence: Aleksander Panic, Nathan Dowling, Vincent Akut, Matt Harkin, Chris Zheng

Spirit of the Class: Thomas Tallon
Work Ethic: Tommy Dillon, Peter Hughes
Academic Excellence: Chris Zheng, Lukas Palapaz

Spirit of the Class: Sean Dobson, Ryan Flanagan, Zike Phiri
Work Ethic: Sam Seabrooke Cummins, Rhys O'Neill, Evan Murphy, Tommy Dillon, Evan fox
Academic Excellence: Mat Harkin, Liam Flusk, Aleksander Panic

Spirit of the Class: Alex O'Brien
Work Ethic: Eoin Byrne, Calhoun Doyle, Ryan Flanagan, Vincent Akut
Academic Excellence: Nathan Dowling, Zike Phiri, Aleksandar Panic

Spirit of the Class: Eoin Byrne
Work Ethic: Leon Cooney
Academic Excellence: Oliver Labowaki, Chris Zheng, Aleksander Panic

Spirit of the Class: Liam Ryan
Work Ethic: Kensak Wolohan
Academic Excellence: Thomas Wolohan

Spirit of the Class: Klaud Siatkowski, Thomas Dillon, Jan Grzebalski
Work Ethic: Eoin Byrne, Alan Kapera
Academic Excellence: Liam flusk, Lukas Palalaz, Conor Roche

Spirit of the Class: Jayden Byrne Smith, Calhoun Doyle
Work Ethic: Seamus Barnes
Academic Excellence: Aleksandar Panic, Rhys O'Neill. Kland Siatkowski, Leon Cooney

Spirit of the Class: Jan Grzebalski, Sean Dobnson
Work Ethic: Eoin Byrne, Liam Flusk, Seamus Barnes, Kenneth Seabrooke
Academic Excellence: Matt Harkin, Ignarbas Urbanavicius Akut, Vincent

Spirit of the Class: Bobby Sherwood
Work Ethic: Kyle Crean
Academic Excellence: Nicolas Mazuret
Wood Technology

Spirit of the Class: Bobby Sherwood
Work Ethic: Sean Dobson, Liam Flush, Peter Hughes
Academic Excellence: Jan Gzebalski, Evan Fox