
Spirit of the Class:
Work Ethic: Sean Clarke, Alex Uysal
Artistic Excellence: Zachery Byrne, Oliver Conroy, Max Burkje

Spirit of the Class: Piotr Knoieczny, James McBride, Eldon Kernan
Work Ethic: Conal Devereux, Olly Kazimiris, Richard Boerescu, Oliver Conroy
Academic Excellence: Jake Hughes Rellis, George Clune

Spirit of the Class: Piotr Knoieczny, Samuel O'Toole, Sean Lawlor, Ryan Mellon
Work Ethic: Ryan Lynn, Olly Kazimirs, Daniel O'Loughlan
Academic Excellence: Ryan Doyle, Sam McDowell, Mishone Shajith, Epghan Kinsella, Oliver Conroy

Spirit of the Class: Alex White
Work Ethic: Ryan Lynn, Max seabrooke, Conal Devereux, Daniel O'Loughlan
Academic Excellence: Victor Ivancia, George Clune

Spirit of the Class: Ryan Doyle, Alex Uysal, Mikey Murphy
Work Ethic: Alex White, Wojeiech Kowalczyk, Oran O'Sullivan, Daniel O'Loughlan
Academic Excellence: Victor Ivancia, Jake Hughes Rellis, George Clune, Olly Kazimirs

Spirit of the Class: Jake Hughes Rellis, Ross Landy
Work Ethic: Ashoka Gunawardana, Wojciech Kowalezyk, Daniel Nolan
Academic Excellence: Ryan Doyle, Olly Kazimirs

Spirit of the Class: Ryan Doyle
Work Ethic: Patrick A. Doyle, Oran O'Sullivan
Academic Excellence: Olly Kazimirs, Daniel O'Loughlan

Spirit of the Class:
Work Ethic:
Academic Excellence:

Spirit of the Class:Piotr Knoieczny, Reece Doyle
Work Ethic: Jake Hughes Rellis, Oronas Oksas, Samuel O'Toole, Olly Kazimirs, Daniel O'Loughlan
Academic Excellence: Ryan Doyle, Max Seabrooke, James McBride, Mark Gleeson, Alex White

Spirit of the Class:Lucas Reid, Daniel Nolan
Work Ethic:James McBride, Jack Kelly Nolan, Olly Kazimirs
Academic Excellence: Victor Ivancia, Patrick A. Doyle, Coanl Devereux

Work Ethic: Eamonn Tiskevicius
Academic Excellence: Sam McDowell, Eoghan Kinsella
Spirit of the Class: Jake Kelly Nolan, Jamie Walker, Oisin Murphy
Work Ethic: Daniel O'Loughlan
Academic Excellence: Cian Tunney, Reece Doyle, Luca reid

Spirit of the Class:Piotr Knoieczny, Ross Landy
Work Ethic:James Castro, George Clune, Olly Kazimirs, Oran O'Sullivan
Academic Excellence: Victor Ivancia,Jake Hughes Rellis, Jmaes McBride, Oliver Conroy

Spirit of the Class: Piotr Knoieczny, Dominic Wright
Work Ethic: Eoghan Kinsella, James Castro, Harry Connell (in Absentia)
Academic Excellence: Victor Ivancia, Jake Hughes Rellis, George Clune, Conal Dvereeux, Olly Kazimirs, Richar Boerescu
Special Tuition

Spirit of the Class: samuel O'Toole
Work Ethic: Olly Kazimirs
Academic Excellence: Richard Boerescu

Spirit of the Class: Oliver Conroy
Work Ethic: Harry Connell
Academic Excellence: James Castro
Wood Technology

Spirit of the Class: Stephen J. Byrne (In Absentia)
Work Ethic: Oisin Murphy, Wikoden Syzdlo
Academic Excellence: Jake Hughes Rellis, Conal Devereux