Junior Certificate Awards 2020
Unfortunately, this year, we were unable to hold our Annual Awards Evening, however, we managed to arrange for the individual recipient to receive their awards.
The Atkinson Shield for Best Junior Certificate Award 2020:

Darragh Doyle

Dylan Bodell

Adam Molloy

Callum O'Neill

Conn Kinsella

Darragh Doyle

Konrad Korpalski

Kyle Kelly

Juliusz Pawlak

Niall O'Donovan

Oscar Hearn

Patrick Boyle

Sean McCarthy

Sean O'Neill

Tony Xue

Diego Akut
Shree Shingnapure
Jamie Tobin
Oran Kelly
Ferike Pap
Oisin Keogh
Fionn Henry
Robbie Hannon
William Gregory
Luca Ghiurcan
Patrick Dickenson
Kasey Clark
Thomas Burke
Oliver Bentley

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